Sunday, December 28, 2008

Into the future...

My daughter is now 11 weeks old and a lot has happened since my last post! My wife delivered at 37+5 via C-section secondary to decels...but don't worry...all ended well with a healthy 6 lb 11.8 oz baby girl.

The last 3 months have been the most challenging and rewarding to date (the first 4 weeks being the toughest). My daughter quickly became the poster child for colic. I remember some days lasting forever with nothing but the wretched sound of my daughter screaming for no apparent reason. I tried everything from swaddling and shushing to long rides in the car seat, all to no avail. But the good news is this did eventually pass. Now my daughter can be awake, happy, and sometimes even entertain herself for periods of time.

Then came the smile! This is such an important milestone and the most rewarding experience yet. Seeing my daughter smile has helped to alleviate some of the pain from the prior 2-3 months. Her smiles can quickly put me in a better mood (if she only knew how easy it is to please new parents). If I'm lucky, I can occasionally get her to bust out a huge toothless grin in the middle of screaming episode.

Her next homework assignment...rolling over!

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